Over the New Moon in Sag this year, my channel was cleared and I distinctly remember the moment I left my old aura on the dance floor of the EDM show I never thought I would go to.
Chicago put me on a new timeline.
My experience of that place taught me new dimensions of belonging, and love found its way through the painful gaps of old stories I could no longer hold on to.
After the long weekend, I returned home in renewed resonance.
And though I was changed, I still felt like I belonged.
I was reminded that I can try new music, explore alien places, and put myself in environments outside of my usual interests, whilst staying in intimacy with myself, in communication with my own energy.
In fact - the contrast was the exact mirror to deepening into my Truth.
Here is the download from that EDM show:
And may your hearts belong and just be.
Here, in this new timeline, I feel a resurgence of my own artistry into and I want to bring that forward in everything I create.
I could have uploaded the original, raw 15 minute audio clip, wrote some words, and called it a day, but I chose to deliver a montage made beautiful with a voice over clip and scenes from this incredible life I get to live.
I could have published this piece weeks ago when it was in its first, second, or third draft, but I waited for continuity.
I’m building a world here. And I want that world to reek of beauty, artistry, & creativity wherever you walk — YouTube, Substack, Instagram, my website, other people’s platforms, even my Google docs lol.
On this new timeline, I’m having more fun with how I market my world and my work. I’m learning from other artists and musicians, not just people in my line of work.
I’m showing more of my face and sharing more from my own voice.
The sword of my discernment has been sharpened and
I make the commitment that I will. Be. Remembered.